Item donations can be shipped to Pet Community Center or dropped off Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM at 5233 Harding Place, Suite 5247, Nashville, TN 37217.
Pet Community Center can accept the following items:
Hardshell pet carriers
Paper towels
Brown paper lunch bags
Clean e-collars
Disposable puppy pads/bed pads
Dry cat and dog food
Canned wet dog food
Laundry detergent (for HE washer)
Canned wet cat food
Ziploc bags (snack and sandwich size)
70% rubbing alcohol (not ethyl)
Garbage bags (13 and 50 gallon)
Office supplies (i.e. tape, binder and paper clips, and pens)
Gift cards to office supply stores
Sardines (no mustard or hot sauce) for trap-neuter-return cats
Flat sheets
For health and sanitary reasons, we cannot accept the following items:
Opened medications
Prescription foods
Used towels
Used blankets
Used pet beds
Used litter boxes
Used comforters
Pill bottles